November 17 - 19, 2025
Westin Peachtree Plaza, Atlanta, GA
Ljubitza Frkovich is the Head of Marketing of Promelsa, a leading B2B Electrical Distributor in Peru, with more than 50 years in the market. She is also the Third Generation of this family-owned business, in charge of the Digital Transformation roadmap for Promelsa. Under her leadership, Promelsa could implement their first B2B Ecommerce website in 2022, and now she is responsible for the whole Digital Marketing Strategy. Prior to Promelsa, Ljubitza worked as a B2B Senior Sales Executive at Entel, a Telecommunications Company, formerly Nextel. She has a comprehensive view of B2B businesses and is looking forward to expanding the organization's digital footprint.
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Ljubitza.
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